where download quip to 10.12.6

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Sub category / Productivity

Developer / Quip

Filesize / 21606

Title / Quip


v.5.4.88 Quip

Click Delete in the pop-up dialog to confirm the uninstallation of Quip.

Quip has been developed by Bret Taylor, who is Google Map creator. This software has been released as a mobile app to created shared lists, notes or documents. This app has become popular to lots of users.

In the Mac or Windows app, we send the serialized request to our C++ library via a custom JavaScript-to-Native bridge. The library writes the new message to the LevelDB database and returns a response immediately, so the change you make is reflected in the UI instantly — without waiting for a network roundtrip:

You’ll know you’re playing Quiplash when you type something like “unicorn farts” on your phone, and it carries you to victory!

The Quip app runs on both Mac (version 10.11+) and Windows (version 7+).

Around the same time we were designing the desktop app, we were discussing porting our web site to React. A major part of that port was transitioning our web site from sending down HTML to sending down raw data that the client would render in JavaScript. We quickly realized this new, data-based approach to our UI would work equally well whether the data was being retrieved from a remote server or from a local database.


Updated 10.14.3


[17284 kbytes]

New! version


[21389 kbytes]

Best on Mojave


[17500 kbytes]

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Chat client Share document Team messenger Chat Share Task Collaboration

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The application allows you to work together on almost anything you need. You can take notes, share grocery lists, organize task lists, edit docs with your office coworkers, and collaborate with any group or team on projects. As well as sharing documents you can also chat and message in real-time, and because it has seamless integration you never have to switch to email.

Linking error on Mac OS X¶

Personal computing used to be defined by files — transferred and copied and synced and misplaced every time we got a new computer. Now, instead of lugging around thousands of MP3s, we just sign into Spotify and have the entire world of music available at our fingertips. Instead of downloading movies or television shows, we sign into Netflix and stream almost any movie ever made. Instead of copying photos from laptop to laptop, we store them in Google Photos and look up old photos whenever we want. And now with Quip Desktop, instead of downloading email attachments and syncing shared folders, all your company's documents are instantly available the moment you sign in.


Quip is owned by Salesforce, so it's deeply integrated with the company's primary CRM solution. This penchant for data is seen in the way Quip allows you to incorporate spreadsheet elements within your documents. You can even reference specific cells and data sources to have documents that update in real-time alongside your spreadsheets. Insert other elements like images, kanban boards, or Salesforce records by typing "@" while editing a note and choosing from the list of options.

{21389 kb} Torrent



Best! version

{20741 kb} Free

Quip ver. 5.2.91 LOzi


Version Sierra

{23982 kb} Keygen

WHJA6 5.4.13 QUIP


Featured for OS X

{23334 kb} Full

tU3 Quip v 5.0.56


Recomended! version

{17932 kb} Torrent

Quip ver 5.4.91 DI72EA


Recomended for OS X

{17284 kb} Full

eZUIEX Quip v.5.2.91


Portuguese version

{20741 kb} Update

Quip 5.4.24 x3L


Best on Sierra

to 10.14



El Captan



Languages Japanese







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